Beanies Tag

OR Winter 2012

As usual, I’ve had to keep these under wraps for some time. A bunch of beanies / facemask designs for Outdoor Research last summer which recently launched so we can finally blab about them. Check them out or grab one on their site or after the jump!


Valhalla’s 2011 Lookbook

Put together a lookbook of our most current work which is available for download. 41 pages, chock full of case studies, branding, advertising & consumer goods.

Download the 6.5mb PDF for free here:Valhalla Lookbook or follow the jump for more shots!


Outdoor Research ’09 headwear line


It’s always nice to see your hard work go into production. A while back, we wrapped up a headwear line Outdoor Research and ever since, we’ve had to keep our yappers shut, even though we were thrilled with the work (quite easily the best headwear line we’ve done to date). Well, here’s our announcement, our OR headwear line has finally launched!

Click here to go to OR’s site and check out the whole lineup, most of our work is in the wool headwear section.
