Another Super (random) Post
Another random post for you all today. What you’re looking at up above is the seriously ridiculously awesome work of Dana Tanamachi, chalk artist extraordinaire who just happens to work at Louise Fili Ltd, a design firm specializing in the ornately awesome. Proof you say? Check this book cover out.
That’s a snippit of the awesome over here on Typejockeys for Geburtstagsfest or The Greatest Birthday Party on Earth. Either way, it looks fancy. Trust us, it’s worth a click.
For the random links pile, oh… we’ve got some for you all. Saw this little number by Vivs1818 over on We Love Typography. Everyone’s seen Matt Moore’s work around, he’s quite popular at the moment. However, did you know he has had a fancy 2011 calendar available?
This is actually pretty good, title screens from just about every movie you can imagine. This is a cool one way before computers did everything… it’s crazy to think of how much effort must have went into making it. Gargoyles looks spooky, I mean that plane is pretty intimidating…, wonder if the same director did Giant. An 80’s classic here. Not the Zombies or how about Tim Burton? And, we’ll leave it with this 50’s horror classic.
Lena Krieger
I love Louise Fili’s artwork!Observe the covers of the books created for the 150 anni Unità di Italia of Louise Fili. For those who live of Graphic Design there’s nothing that can’t be embellished with Graphics and Typography. A book cover or the label of a can become a canvas upon which lay a work of art. More info here: