Hanging out at E3 twenty-eleven
A couple days back we made the trek up to LA for the E3 show. Pretty amazing stuff there, the new PSVita & Nintendo WiiU were there, along with the huge, marked out, lines that went along with wanting to play on them. New games, new consoles, new technology, everything & then some was there. Check after the jump for more pics & a little writeup.
These guys had one of my favorite things at the show, a thin plastic sheet you apply to your iPod / iPhone / iPad & it plays 3d movies. Pretty incredible (sorry for no pictures of it in action).
I don’t know exactly what was going on here but they were doing it all day long & they were also having heated games of Twister.
The Gleeks were in the house.
The Video Game History Museum had one of my favorite parts of the show. Tons of standup games & a very detailed / complete collection of consoles from throughout the years. If you grew up in the 70s/80s/90s/00s, your first console was there.
What, you didn’t believe it when I said Hanging Out?
The sets & displays there are incredible. Huge spaceship looking things, $1m cars, 7′ tall halo guys walking around, the place is incredible (check out last year’s show for more examples)
Right outside the show is the Nike Vault, where they sold the cagillion dollar Koston x Kobe shoes.
All in all, I give the show a thumbs up… just like this guy. Then again though, how hard is it to have a good time at 2 convention centers filled with video games & crazy madness?
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