logos Tag

And the winner is

Volcom takes the cake in our inaugural Logo World Championship of the World. After a couple close rounds when battling Quiksilver & Powell Peralta, Volcom rolled through the final taking 78.3% of the vote in it's battle vs Vans. We'd like to thank everyone who...


Who owns what?

All our choices get whittled down to a few. Thanks Logo Design Love...


A 5-year-old’s logo reviews

Adam Ladd asked his 5-year-old daughter what she thought of a bunch of logos. Her comments are pretty interesting & it's also scary how many she knows....


History of the RCA logo

So, the story goes like this. The logo we (American’s) know as the RCA logo is one of the first instances of company branding. See, way back in 1899 the Gramophone company bought a painting by Francis Barraud with a dog listening to a record of his dead owner’s voice. Interested? Follow the jump to find out the whole story.


Valhalla’s 2011 Lookbook

Put together a lookbook of our most current work which is available for download. 41 pages, chock full of case studies, branding, advertising & consumer goods.

Download the 6.5mb PDF for free here:Valhalla Lookbook or follow the jump for more shots!


Evolution of the Google Logo

Evolution of the Google Logo
Wired has a pretty cool little article on how Google got their colorful logo. The article follows through the preliminary concepts through the final design. Check it out here. Or see more after the jump


We Recommend – Logo by Michael Evamy

Book of the Month time again. This time around, it's an amazing number by Michael Evamy, simply called Logo. It's as thick as a dictionary and has just about every good logo you can imagine. Check out our mini review here....


Los Logos 4


Rolling through the bookstore today and came across a pleasant surprise. Picked up the new Los Logos 4 book (complete with fancy iridescent cover) and came across a couple logos that we did for our friends at HypeType Studio over in the UK a few years ago. Not a bad little Hello there while checking out a great book. Some good stuff in there, definitely worth checking out if not buying.


Valhalla featured in “2009 Logo Trends”


That’s right, we’re honored to be featured on LogoLounge.com for their “2009 Logo Trends” article, calling out an opart themed design we did for Adio Skateboards saying “Psychosis: Another new sort of fill is more psychedelic-crazy lines and patterns projected onto other shapes.”

Pretty exited about this one, the article is definitely worth a look if you’re interested in design.

Click Here to check out the whole article, there’s definitely some good stuff in there!
