Herb Lubalin Tag

Tonight Tonight Tonight

The reasons to be in NYC for this Halloween weekend just bumped up significantly. Well, at least if you're a design nerd. The Great Hall at Cooper Union will be having a Then & Now Symposium on Herb Lubalin tonight, Friday Oct 26th & tomorrow...


Type (dork) Post

This is just too cool not to share. The good folks at House Industries took on the herculean task of getting Photo Lettering's catalog of work online for non-house employees to use in their stuff! LOADS of great work over there, so many unique fonts,...


Super (random) Post

On our semi-regular list of checks is the DDC site. Draplin & I have been running in the same circle for a number of years & only a matter of time until our paths cross in person. It's always interesting to see what he has...


Lubalin’s U&lc available online!

Pretty cool news here that I spotted over on Grain Edit a few days ago. Back Issues of U&lc (that's upper & lower case) magazine are available online! The first 3 are up, AD'd by the late, great Herb Lubalin! Check em out while they're...
