June 2010

E3 Twenty Ten

E3’s going on right now. We rolled up there last week to meet up with some people and check out what’s going on in the world of video games. Microsoft’s Natal Kinect was everywhere & it was pretty a impressive deal. By the looks of the sheer amount of games released at the show, there’s going to be a lot of synchronized dancing going on in the world next year.. Lots more inside.



Got a call a little while back from Olympic commentator / wiseguy / business owner / pro skiboarder, Todd Richards needing a logo for his new project, AWSM. The creative brief was pretty epic, “bright and colorful and fun. not really needing an icon as the the awsm is the logo too.” Check out AWSM here or check after the jump to see the logo we did in larger format.


Whimsical Works of David Weidman

Up for the book of the month this month is a winner by David Weidman called The Whimsical Works of David Weidman and also some Serious Ones. Mr Weidman has one of the best styles I've ever seen & this book is amazing. Every page...


This couldn’t be much more awesome

David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop, DJ Neil Armstrong, the Gallagher brothers (not the funny ones, the Oasis ones)? Dang...


A PSA that’s worth watching

This has been around for a little while but it's pretty creative none the less and definitely worth watching. It's definitely a watchable public service ad, words which don't always go together....


Rube Goldberg would be proud

The video's been around a while but it's hard to argue that the visuals in it are pretty awesome. The Rube Goldberg style of continual randomness is just to awesome not to post up....
