July 2013

Duck Sauce / It’s You

With a name like Duck Sauce, they had a lot to live up to for the video but I think they nailed it. Favorite song at the moment....


Mammoth MX 2013

We were up in Valhalla Mammoth last month for the Mammoth Motocross to ride mx, DH mountain bikes and hang out with friends (like that needed to be said). Of course, the Canon was in tow so we shot photos, photos and more photos. Feel free to instagram these out for personal use, just please photo credit @valhallascott – If a brand would like to use one or you’d like a copy for personal use, let me know. I have much larger files & am easy to work with. Loads more after the jump…


Bluebird Wax Home Movies

Known Willie from Bluebird a long, long, long, long time. Rad dude. I'm surprised he could make something like this so fun to watch because he's always so serious, as many people who live in Jackson, WY usually are #sarcasm...


Compendium of Sneakers

Pretty rad article over on Fast Company about the history of sneaker design. Pretty cool, click to open a larger file....
