vintage Tag

Vintage Beer Collection

Great collection of vintage beer cans. All are amazing, some are also amazingly funny. Up top, who are you going to drink with – The Duke or JR Ewing? Check out JR’s tag line down at the bottom of the can. Follow the jump for 36 more cans & a link to the source with 130 more!


Vintage Packaging Round 2

Found some more great examples of packaging from the past. Seems like more often than not, it would be better if they left it alone…. Follow the jump for about a dozen more examples.


The Bottle Cap Man

Came across a cool resource today, more bottle caps than you can shake a stick at! Tons to look at, check it all out by clicking up above or here Bottle Cap Man More after the jump


The way things looked back in the day

It’s always fun to look through the great work of the past. While many people I know dislike them for some reason, I’ve always been a fan of old posters. It’s nice to look at packaging from yesteryear as well, it’s like looking through the window to a time before focus groups and execs dabbling in everything they get the chance to.
