This is amazing. I almost wish he showed the end result before showing him draw it because you'd never guess he got there the way he did. He's drawing with 2 Bic ballpoint pens. Goes to show, it's not what you're working with, it's what's...
Nice illustrative depiction of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by Adam Gault, via the folks @ Make the Logo Bigger
And a rare moment in advertising where an agency used wit & humor to sell rather than the standard crap anecdote of sex sells (also from Make the...
Seen his work around for a little while now but today’s the first time that I went to his site and let’s just say that it’s impressive. Lots more after the jump.
I just can't say no. Check this out. Amazing German currency note from 1919. Or check out this a doozie of a 1921 Czech note. Or how about this random German note with a devil dude on it from 1921? I could go on...