April 2011

the CBS Eye logo

On Sunday October 17th, 1951 CBS revealed their new logo placed over a cloud formation photograph. What was intended as a logo to be used for one year has went on to become one of the most recognized logos ever created. CBS President Frank...


Check check check check it out

Can't deny it, I've loved the Beastie Boys music since I was in 7th grade. Thick or thin, whether they were popular or not, they're like Star Wars for me. Check out their new album on Soundcloud for freeeeeeeeeee http://soundcloud.com/beastieboys...


Doyald Young collabenefit poster

Saying Doyald Young was a master typographer is putting it lightly. He was on a whole different level. The poster above started as a gift for a he & Josh Higgins' mutual friend. Unfortunately, Doyald passed away before the project was completed. In stepped Jessica...


Hand Lettered Movie Titles

Came across a pretty interesting collection of hand-lettered movie titles by German poster designer Hans Otto Wendt for Warner Bros in, well, Germany.

Collection available @ this link or follow the jump for a bit of the story & more examples.


Making of the DC Commercials

Pretty interesting Behind the Scenes look @ the making of the DC commercials. Pretty sure Chris Cole is the next wave of video games, in that he's a living video game character. Thanks AWSM...


History of the RCA logo

So, the story goes like this. The logo we (American’s) know as the RCA logo is one of the first instances of company branding. See, way back in 1899 the Gramophone company bought a painting by Francis Barraud with a dog listening to a record of his dead owner’s voice. Interested? Follow the jump to find out the whole story.


Type (dork) Post

This is just too cool not to share. The good folks at House Industries took on the herculean task of getting Photo Lettering's catalog of work online for non-house employees to use in their stuff! LOADS of great work over there, so many unique fonts,...


Patience, young grasshopper

That's what I thought when I saw this great piece which would make Rube Goldberg a happy man. (via Quipsologies) ...


75 Abandoned Theaters

Great gallery of 75 abandoned theaters across the good ol' USA. Like the Abandoned Houses photo essay we posted a while back, it's sad to see such glory rotting away. Makes you appreciate the work that went into restoring the old greats like LA's Pantages...


Secret Wars SemiFinal

Cool live-art battle in the land of OZ between Ken Taylor & Drew Funk. Thanks to OMG Posters for the heads up....


Custom font for Angels & Airwaves

Our work with Angels & Airwaves continues to trickle out. Their newly relaunched website features our custom-created AvA font that we just wrapped up for them a couple days back. Check it out on their site AngelsandAirwaves.com! We'll keep posting more of our work with...
