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Did you hear about Koston?

This is good. Nice way to integrate humor into the spot by snowballing the standard "did you hear" type gossip that happens when someone like Eric Koston does what he does at a spot. Nice work....


Old Spice

You've probably seen this but Old Spice is bringing it with their new ads. Everyone is scrambling to mimic Old Spice's witty, humorous ads & success. A couple years ago, AXE & their "sex sells" ads owned the marketplace but Old Spice took a big...


Valhalla’s 2011 Lookbook

Put together a lookbook of our most current work which is available for download. 41 pages, chock full of case studies, branding, advertising & consumer goods.

Download the 6.5mb PDF for free here:Valhalla Lookbook or follow the jump for more shots!
